It is said that Cleanliness is next to Godliness, I would love to say that this is why I do what I do, but I would be lying because I fall short of Gods grace on a daily basis...And yet he continues to love me.
Personally, I don't think there's nothing wrong with taking pride in ones home, women have been doing it for centuries. I was a cleaner when I lived at home, my bed was always made before school, my things were where they needed to be and being the only girl I had no one else to share household choirs with, so you could say I was forced into it...Yes, that's right, I will blame my parents. (I feel better already) As I've gotten older I have turned into a full blown compulsive cleaning freak with a touch of ADHD, my husband swears I can hear a crumb drop 100 yards away...He thinks I walk around with a Dustbuster in my hands at all times....For the record..I do not....
But my issues run deep and I don't think prayer, pill or therapy can cure me...Between you and me, I think Mr. Clean is HOT!!! And I get all warm and fuzzy when I get a new can of pledge .
This morning I found myself under my bed with a shop-vac...Yes, I said shop-vac...Why?..Because I didn't think my trusty Electrolux had sufficient suction for the dust bunnies..As I lay in the floor on my side I thought, What's wrong with you moron...Then I realized that this isn't the first time I had been under the bed with the shop-vac.
Where does the ADHD come in you ask...The other day I went into the kitchen to empty out the dishwasher, I put up ONE bowl, and before I knew it I had cleaned out all the cabinets, the pantry,waxed the floor and started cleaning windows....The dishwasher didn't get emptied until today...
I will get up when I can't sleep and start cleaning....Normal people watch television or read...I scrub base boards.
I have been to known rearrange all the shrubs in our yard...I stopped doing this when our next door neighbor offered me his flood lights so I could work in the dark.......
My dear princess called me the other day and asked what I was doing, "Cleaning my oven" I told her, after a long pause she replied "Wow, I don't think I have the right equipment to do that"...I had to sit down, I FELT FAINT......It's called Easy Off princess and you can buy it at Walmart.
My dear Mother tells me not to worry that I will grow out of it....UH Mama, I hear fifty calling me...How much longer will it be......