Monday, September 21, 2009

A River Runs Through It.............

In 2007 the governor of Georgia declared a state of emergency because of a severe drought, our beautiful state along with Alabama and parts of Tennessee have suffered greatly over the years and penalties for outside watering have been steep, at times, if caught watering your flowers or garden you could get up to a $1,500.00 fine.....What rain we have had hasn't really brought the rain deficit up to where it needs to be......But for the past few days, we have seen our share of rain....Try 16 inches of it in two days.......This is what once was our garden, it sits near a "small creek" that usually is a steady stream but now is a raging riving....All of our fall vegetables are gone along with the remaining summer ones...

Considering some people have lost their homes today, our garden and yard are nothing....It took my husband 4 hours to get home today just trying to find a way that wasn't flooded......Our forecast...More Rain tonight and tomorrow.....

Not really sure where the mailbox post came from, but I hope that's all they lost....Sorry the quality of the photos aren't great....It's really hard to focus your camera when your standing in risings water in a torrential down pour with intense lighting....The things we do for our blogs......


Buttercup said...

I saw this on the news tonight. I thought of my bloggy friends in Georgia and my prayers are with you and your neighbors.

Imogene Walker said...

We know only to well how you feel....Hate to see that,,,Hope you all are ok and don't lose nothing but a prayers are with you...

Robert said...

Lord Sis, did not know all of this was going on until I surfed the Weather Channel. Do you and Lynn need us to come down and help with the clean up? Always here and willing to come down if you need. Rob