Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ramblings of a Insane Woman.......

Lately I've been Oppressed, DE-Pressed and just in a Mess....I am totally convinced that I'm loosing my mind...I haven't had more than a couple hours of sleep a night in weeks (I've always had insomnia, but this is ridiculous).....Last night,while on one of my late night cleaning sprees,I told my beloved that I couldn't wait until I had my breakdown....Because then the people in the institution would give me something to knock me out......Without looking up from the television he said, "I'll be glad to knock you out now"......Dear.........I thanked him and passed on his offer....

When I do sleep I dream of Brad Pitt and Gerald Butler in Medieval custom fighting to the death over me, while I sit in a purple chair eating popcorn (secretly hoping for a tie)....

In 1987 I had a hysterectomy, My uterus is sitting in a jar of formalin at a university hospital as we speak, terrorizing young medical students...Some young buck surgeon thought it would be great to leave me with one tiny little ovary, which I'm sure has now turned into Rosemary's Baby...It continues to make my life and every living breathing creature within a ten mile radius of me.....miserable....

I'm not all hot flash's and mood swings, I'm a cleaning, canning, preserving maniac....That's what I am....I was dusting a bookshelf when I had a overwhelming urge to put the books in alphabetical order... I sat back and looked at the books and thought....It would make more sense for me to run naked with a pair of scissor through our neighborhood, than to do that.....

My beloved walked in the room looked at me and said,"Your making me tired, you should stop for the day...Don't worry, I'll make sure I make enough messes for you to have something to do tomorrow"...... He tries so hard to make me happy........One day I will get really crazy and tell you about when we first got married....My husband had been a widower for many years and I had been single for a long time....It was like Barbie moves in with G.I.Joe and lives in the Jungle...

If the words pressure washing a commode tells you anything....

I said it was all Ramblings of a Insane Woman didn't I...........


Imogene Walker said...

Thats ok,,,if you serious,,are you,,I Love to read your blogs,,,,and boy did I laugh this time...

Buttercup said...

I am so sympathetic. From the age of about 51-57 I couldn't sleep. I could fall asleep, but woke up at 2:00 am or 3:00 am and paced. Finally a few years ago I realized I could sleep again. Not the sleep of years ago, but not the 3:00 am stuff either. It was miserable.

Sue said...

Ah,the joys of insomnia.....and hot flashes. Gotta love this age.Not!

Susan Ellis said...

Sleeping's highly over rated I think! I mean, should we actually spend 1/3 of our lives lying on our backs, either snoring or mouth breathing? Alphabetical book shelves (and CD's too) are great!

Montanagirl said...

Love this post. You are just too funny. But on a serious note, I have trouble sleeping too, so I can empathize. And my dreams can be quite troublesome and stressful, and usually make absolutely NO sense. Can my sub-conscious be that squirrely?

Anonymous said...

Gee, I finally have a real life living example of an insomnia maniac other than myself to prove to my husband that he really shouldn't have to threaten to call the little men in white jackets any longer.

Ramblings from the queen of sleep deprivation..... ( ;

P.S. I usually bake at 3am...maybe you could join me for some tea/coffee and the early morning special that comes out of my oven sometime........

Jann said...

I hit menopause at 46 w/o a hysterectomy...and proceeded to enjoy every single symptom known to woman...after already experiencing a few perimenopause joys...right now I'm having a reprieve from the hot flashes, thank you God...I couldn't possibly muster up a cleaning frenzy, I'd be sweating so bad it would be pointless, heheh...night sweats and insomnia are the worst...anyhow, sending sympathy hugs...

LindainNCtoo said...

Oh, dear........

You are having it bad. Sniffle....sniffle....

Mikki said...

ROFL. But not at you.. with you.
You poor thing. At least you are still clinging onto the last of your humor/sarcasm.
I haven't been going through ALL of this, but a little of the same.. just not feeling right..

Praying you find some balance,peace, and if nothing else.. A HUGE supply of chocolate and a vacation..