Sunday, April 5, 2009

A new adventure

For those of you that have prayed or were curious about my job status, I thought I would let you know that I start a new job on Monday....One of the hospitals in our system offered me a job working in the Emergency Room.....Now, this is pretty exciting and intimidating for me, I have worked so long in the OR and only worked PRN in the ER...both places are a challenge, and I am not sure if I am young enough to learn new tricks...I am most defiantly a trauma junkie, but things ( and people ) can get a little scary the later the shift gets....I have been working on a new motto for myself, here is the first one: Helping save lives until 6:45, it's catchy.
But I am afraid mine will be closer to this one: ER Angie...Dying slowly, one hour at a time.....These are twelve hour shifts........
I will keep you posted if I'm able.......


DeeDee said...

Hello... found your blog from Lynnettes...
I like the phrase, "helping save lives until 6:45!"
nice visiting your palace....sweet blessings!

Anonymous said...

Greetings My Love, Just stopped by the say HI. Tried to get on Anna's but I guess I am not a friend. How are the wonderful Chas and Corey? Remember you will only be new for a little while. I kept telling everyone I was too old to be new, but it didn't stop feeling lost. You are young, talented, knowledgeable and good at what you do. I love you bunches and you stay in that special part of my heart. Love Ya, Aunt G