Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween.......

When witches go riding,

and black cats are seen,

the moon laughs and whispers,

'tis near Halloween....

Have a Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fall Has Fell In Georgia.....

Winter is an etching,

Spring a watercolor,

Summer an oil painting and Autumn a mosiac of them all...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Happens When Someone With OCD Makes A Bar Of Soap.....

That's just it...They don't make a bar of soap they make 100 bars of soap..In every scent shape and size, and when their happy with that, they make other things......

Because they can't sleep until they get it right...Or make a mess trying! Which makes them happy because they have something to clean....I started out trying to make the most natural and good for you bar of soap which turned into a little bit more.....Way more! I wasn't happy with that so I wanted to make lotion to go with the soap...Then when I did that,I wanted to make foaming body butter,body wash, body spray, bubble bath, bath salts, fizzing bath salts, chap stick........I'm sure by now you get the picture...
So, this is what I've been consumed by lately....And one reason I've not been blogging or stopping by everyone else's blogs....I'm covered in bubbles....

I'm officially selling these in a couple local shops..I've took the extra step and made Organically Yours a real company (Limited Liability Company) complete with insurance (the world is full of bad people).....Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How To Kill A Dragon....Or At Least Relocate One...

A year or so ago I blogged about this beast of a cactus I have named Diablo (trust me, the name fits). I took a wee small sprout from it when some dear friends moved from one house to the next...My sign should have been when they left it alone...Seriously, what kind of person looks at a cactus and says, "OH I want that beauty in my yard"....What does that say about me.....But I have to learn things the hard way.....AND I HAVE!!!.. I had to relocate my beautiful roses because he had grown so huge, my goal that day was to chop that evil doer down with an axe until I saw these.......Cute, I know...
But these last for like a day......
But now Diablo is ten feet tall and bullet proof and just going near it requires some type of metal armour....My husband chopped a piece off that was hanging to far over in the yard and bit him every time he mowed the yard...He picked it up with a shovel and threw it on a tree stump........It is still growing...ON A TREE STUMP!!! My question to any of you is this....Has anyone successfully relocated a cactus and lived to talk about it....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Confessions Of A Purse Snob............

It's no secret that I take comfort in a quality purse....I love the smell and feel of a great purse...The way it caresses your hip when your carrying it on your shoulder brings me great joy...I have the unique ability to spot a quality purse 100 yards away, I can also spot an impostor a 100 yards away...I call it a gift....My husband calls it pathetic...

It's been a year since I bought my last purse, and I have suffered greatly....You see, I am a purse connoisseur....I buy a new purse every season....I buy a good purse every season...

I am a purse snob.....(They say admitting the problem is the first step....Right!)

Now that it's time for a new Fall/Winter purse, I promised my husband I'd be smart and practical when buying this years beauty (neither one of the two have I ever been accused of ) so I drank three cappuccino's and had a long drawn out conversation with myself in the car and thought I had set some pretty solid ground rules......I was going in........My plan was simple,I would stand at the end of each isle and look at what got my attention and then check out the price tag...(You know, see if it was a mind over matter kind of thing)..........I walked in tall and tough and proud, ready for the new me................Well, all it took was one good whiff of leather and my eyes glazed over... I caved quicker than Imelda Marcos would at a Manolo Blahnik outlet mall....

I started running through row after row of soft leather, hard leather, patent leather, reds, blacks and browns, all the beautiful colors of Fall.......Just with buckles and straps....

After I noticed security starring at me (I'm sure I looked like a deranged lunatic on crack), I tried to gather my composure, all I could do was hear those stupid little words I said to my husband....Surely he knows me better than that......

Still, with tear filled eyes I walked away empty handed starring at the store through the rear view mirror....

I ran into Walmart for a few items and thought, just thought I would wonder by the purse section....I promise you know.....A Hannah Montana purse is not my idea of downsizing....

The hunt continues.............